10 € = 1 month of food
10 € = 1 month's worth of treatment for 1 animal
20 € = 1 sterilization
120€ = 80 deworming
150€ = 80 vaccinations
Choose the amount you want to donate.
Choose between bank transfer, credit card or Paypal.
The Cantoalavida Foundation is grateful for your donation.
Your donation is a proof of love to help animals in need. It is also a gesture that supports a regional organization with a unique work ethic.
Your contribution also allows to share an innovative vision not only in the protection of animals, but also in support of Colombian families in need.
The international working group acts exclusively on a voluntary basis. On the contrary in Colombia itself, being a country with economic difficulties, we try to be active in the social field offering work to local families, who cannot afford a voluntary work. For more information on this topic, please read under Team work in Colombia or transparency.
Cantoalavida e.V.
Moerfelder Landstr. 102
60598 Frankfurt am Main
Frankfurter Volksbank eG, IBAN DE83 5019 0000 6201 1208 51, BIC FFVBDEFF - Registered as association in the local court of Frankfurt am Main (Germany)- VR 15745, USt-IdNr.: 45 255 03290-K18