The international volunteer work is done digitally. We try to go wit the flow of the world in which we live, therefore, we use social networks, a website and we want to expand our visibility, because if people know more about us, more help would come, more funds to have less difficulties in Colombia and we would be able to do more social projects.
So we need people who have good computer skills and have access to the internet as well as have an email.
We are looking for:
Cantoalavida e.V.
Moerfelder Landstr. 102
60598 Frankfurt am Main
Frankfurter Volksbank eG, IBAN DE83 5019 0000 6201 1208 51, BIC FFVBDEFF - Registered as association in the local court of Frankfurt am Main (Germany)- VR 15745, USt-IdNr.: 45 255 03290-K18